Saturday, May 10, 2014


Is climate change in the future or is this winter a sign that there is  new normal?  Here is an interview of Jim Barilla, a writer whose new book My Backyard Jungle. Jim experimented with different plants in his backyard and concluded that there a disruption.

Here is the link:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Using Container Gardening To Solve A Multitude of Problems

"After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer." -William R. Alger, American Writer

Have you been intimidated from gardening because you lacked gardening space or the space you have is too shaded or you have problems with rabbits?  Utilizing containers can help you get around those concerns.

When I started the garden at the Community Day Center, I was inspired to create a garden at home. My children built three 8' X 4' raised boxes for me.  My goal was monetary, I wanted to raise enough fresh vegetables inexpensively to feed the homeless community at the Center and to have the guests contribute to raising the food that they eat. As a city girl, I didn't realize how invigorating and intuned with nature I felt being outdoors and raising food from the land.  Alfred Austin  said, "The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul." Slowly, I started getting frustrated when my tomatoes grew but didn't produce fruit because they didn't get enough sun.  Then as soon as the leafy vegetables and beans grew, the rabbits would eat all the plants down to the stems. 

But every problem has a solution(s).  Catherine, my blog partner, told me she grew her beans in a hanging basket.  Actually, she grows all her vegetables in pots on her porch.  She even makes her own organic fertilizer.  I'll ask if she'd give us her recipe.  Two weeks ago, I planted the pea shoots that I germinated in a hanging basket.  With all the rain we had, I didn't even have to water it. Once they are 3 to 4 inches, I plan to pinch them back for salad or stir-fry, depending on how much I have. Here is what they look like three weeks later:

Since the pea shoots are out of reach of the rabbits, I planted a second basket.  This time I have strawberries and different mixes of lettuce. I read that strawberries do well with lettuce.  I also read that borage is also a good companion for strawberries.  The bees are attracted to the borage and helpful to the strawberries.

Many plants require 6 to 8 hours of sun.  The best spot for them are the front of my house which is south facing. So today, I pulled out my grow bags and placed them between the bushes.  Last couple of years, I grew potatoes in them.  Since potatoes are inexpensive, I've decided to grow herbs and vegetables in them this year.

In this bag, I grouped basil, flat leaf parsley and tarragon around the plum tomato plant. These plants like sun and moist soil.  They are also good for making a red sauce with chicken.

In the second bag, I grouped Thai basil, sage, oregano and marjoram around a cherry tomato plant. These herbs like some shade and dryer soil.

In the third bag, I have a sweet pepper plant and Japanese eggplant plant.  When I purchase a fourth bag, I plan on planting beets.

Another idea to deter the rabbits, I purchaged these tents to put over the boxes.  They cost $88.00 for three online at Home Depot.  If I was more creative, I could have built my own fences, probably less expensive, around the boxes. I plan on starting with cold weather vegetables. In the early spring, there are less pest to harm the vegetables. They are salad vegetables, kale, collards and cabbage family.  I have been germinating seeds and will plant them today.

If you'd like to communicate with me or Catherine, give us ideas or advice, write to uas at  HAPPY PLANTING.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Growing Pea Shoots in Containers

For the past three years, I have been growing vegetables in my raised containers that my children built for me to supplement the harvest for the Community Day Center of Waltham.  As soon as the seeds germinate and new growth spout, the neighborhood rabbit family literally eat the plants down to the stub.  One day my garden box is green with growth and later that day I can only see soil.  After two years, I have been looking for alternative ways to grow food that would be out of reach of those rabbits.

This year for Mother's Day, my husband and children promise to build me a fence around the boxes. Until then, I have decided to grow pea shoots from a hanging basket.

I selected a fast growing peas: Micro Greens Peas for Shoots Organic HEIRLOOM Seeds from Botanical Interests.  I germinated some indoors.  After I filled the basket with soil, I planted the young sprouts.  I also sowed additional seeds densely around the plants in a single layer.  I added half an inch over soil to cover all the seeds.  I placed the basket in a sunny location and high up enough to be away from the rabbits.

Once there are at least two layers of leaves, I plan to harvest them.  Hopefully, there will be other plants growing in its place so I will continuously have pea shoots to harvest. 

My family and I love stir frying the pea tendrils with garlic.  In the past, we could only get them during the summer and they would be expensive. Now the pea shoots are showing up in markets and restaurants. The tender  pea shoots impart the sweet taste of peas that they could be added to both fresh and cooked dishes. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Year 3: Preparing the Garden in Your Backyard

I am feeling nostalgic because this is the final year we will be able cultivate the garden in back of the Community Day Center of Waltham at 34 Alder Street.  In a few months we will be moving to our new home on Felton Street, where there is no room for a garden on site. At that time, we'll look into alternative ways to cultivate food for our table.

This winter was extremely harsh and long. Our entire focus in programing was to bring our guests out from the cold by expanding shelter hours, providing timely life-saving knowledge and outreach to those living outside and networking with our community partners to expand our resources.

With spring and the warmer temperature, it is such a pleasure to getting back to nature and to raise food from our back yard. I am so lucky to have such great volunteers from our guests and the Brandeis Be Our Guests club.
Oswaldo,Luis, Roberto

Brandeis, Be Our Guests Club
Preparing the Garden

April 1
Once the snow all melted and spring showers lessened, Oswaldo and Roberto cleaned out the old growth from the garden. That same week the students and Day Center guests tilled and aerated the soil and pushed the soil to form beds. Since this is our final year, I plan to increase the sizes of certain beds, utilize our green bags and explore lateral growing so we can increase our produce capacity.

Next, we will be sure to add new top soil on the beds before we sow seeds or plant seedling.  Since our garden is organic, we won't use any fertilizers so the  nutrients that were in the soil were likely to be depleted after last season.

To stretch out the harvest season, we plan to space out the germination/sowing so the plants will grow and mature at different times. Katie Moran, Oswaldo and I plan to germinate some seeds indoors.

April 15
In our area, we have two growing cycles for cold weather plants and 1 cycle for warm weather plants.
They are 2 groups of seeds -- cool weather and warm weather.  For the cool weather seeds, we probably can just sow directly into the soil, as germinating them in-door now won't save us any time at this juncture.  We will sow in batches on weekly intervals, so if the nights got very cold in the next few weeks, we won't lose everything.

Here is our list of plants, in no apparent order:
Cold weather plants -germinating indoor now for mid-April planting or sow directly outdoor mid-April
            -Swiss chard (Rainbow, used as greens) 
            -Swiss chard (Bright lights) 
            -Swiss chard (Fordhook) 
            -spinach (Tyee)
            -spinach (America) 
             -spinach (Bloomsdale long-standing)
            -kale –(red winter)
            -kale (Red Russian)
            -kale (dwarf blue curled scotch)
            -mustard green
            - mustard (Florida broadleaf) 
            -pai tsai 
            -broccoli raab (rappini) 
            -Chinese cabbage 
            -Chinese kale 
            -beets (Golden)
            -pea shoots 
            -lettuce (Mesclun) 
            -lettuce (Black seeded simpson) 
-lettuce mix
-lettuce (bowl red)
-lettuce (Bibb)
-basil (heirloom) 
-basil (sweet)
-basil (Thai Siam Queen) 
-basil (Genovese) 
-basil (mammouth)

 Warm weather-germinate mid-April for mid-May/early June planting outdoors
            -tomatoes (Gardener’s Delight/cherry)
            -tomatoes (sweetie-cherry)
            -tomatoes (VF Hybrid)
            -tomatoes (Roma)
            -cucumbers(straight eight)

Catherine and I are excited to start our garden and will be posting our progress.  We hope you will enjoy bringing nature into your backyard too!